作为有影响力的人领导他人 社会变革 拥有社会正义硕士学位的探员

业务, education 和 organization leaders around the world are becoming increasingly aware of their social 和 ethical impact on the communities around them. By recognizing that social justice must be woven into the fabric of their organization, social justice leaders are the vanguard of creating 和 maintaining a future of positive social change.

Earning a master’s degree in Leadership for Social Justice at 博彩平台网址大全 will help you develop 和 strengthen a 领导 identity focused on authentic, 可持续的变化. Whether you are a current leader or are just starting out on your 领导 journey, our 26-month graduate Social Justice degree prepares you to lead in a broad range of environments — including schools, 非营利组织, 社区组织等等.


At the heart of our graduate Social Justice degree program are rigorous courses taught by professional leaders 和 agents of change. 在你的社会正义硕士课程中, you’ll collaborate with faculty 和 peers in project-centered courses that will give you real-world experiences both inside 和 outside the classroom.


  • 对于完成学士学位的学生,参加 lead200发挥领导作用铅210 * through Benerd大学 和 directly transfer those units to one of our MA programs (*pending catalog approval in fall 2024)
  • 对于所有其他本科生,请选择 铅200 和 another course pre-approved for transfer by undergraduate advisor 和 Benerd MA Program Lead.





Offering the only graduate Leadership for Social Justice degree program in California, we are single-h和edly preparing tomorrow’s leaders to make positive social 和 ethical impacts throughout the world. 从我们教师的专业知识到我们对实践的关注, 真实的学习经历, there are so many reasons why we st和 out from other community justice 和 领导 programs throughout the country.

Dr. Laura Hallberg和两个学生

Take advantage of small class sizes in our Social Justice degree program 和 work closely with faculty mentors who put student success first.  我们的教师有几十年领导非营利组织和青年组织的经验, K-12学校和学区, 咨询和领导反种族主义, diversity equity 和 inclusion initiatives as well as working on Capitol Hill to influence policy.  We design each course to emphasize collaboration 和 real-world projects so you can apply the concepts you learn in class to actual situations.


“社会正义硕士项目放大了我对多样性的热情, 高等教育的公平和包容以及社会正义. 我很欣赏这个项目灵活的形式, 让你可以轻松地兼顾全职工作和家庭, 和 to stay active within the Stockton community on various social justice projects.”




What Can You Do with Your Master's Degree in Leadership for Social Justice from Pacific?

Bring about the change you want to see in organizations 和 communities with Pacific’s master’s degree in Social Justice. Our program provides you with the latest theories 和 methods in ethical 领导, which you will then apply to real organizations to help them grow 和 foster social justice.

毕业于博彩平台网址大全社会正义学院, 你也可以在博士课程中继续你的教育之旅, 比如我们的教育变革行动.

Positions you may be qualified for when you graduate from Pacific’s master’s in 领导 program include: ·

  • 特许学校或另类学校的校长
  • 非营利组织创始人/董事
  • 社区组织者/主任
  • 青年发展主任

Employment opportunities for social 和 community service managers is projected to grow 12 percent by 2031, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局.

随着世界变得越来越多样化, organizations 和 communities around the world must learn to adapt to new cultural 和 ethical environments. With the knowledge 和 skills that you’ll gain in our social justice degree program, 作为积极的社会变革的推动者,你会受到很高的要求.


我们的两年, 33-credit Social Justice master’s program covers essential topics in social change, 创造力, 道德和多样性让你成为一个鼓舞人心的领导者.

社会公正硕士课程的大部分课程都在网上, 每周上一次夜校,每月一次周六课. 一开始你只需要在学校呆三天, 社会正义硕士课程的中期和末期.

Your Social Justice degree program culminates in an integrative capstone for the Social Justice course.


  • 如何改变世界
  • 社会正义的设计思维
  • 道德领袖
  • 在不同背景下的领导


铅260. 如何改变世界. 3单位. 检查社会周围的想法和概念, 社会化以及成为社会变革推动者意味着什么. 关注发展, 社会制度的连续性和变化, 文化和社会以及它们对我们如何融入社会的影响, 我们如何看待自己作为个体,我们如何创造改变.

铅261. 社会影响的设计思维. 3单位. Design thinking is an iterative problem-solving process of discovery, ideation, 和 prototyping. 这个过程可以用来解决各种创造性的挑战. 本课程将着重于培养学生的设计思维能力, 因为它们适用于领导力和社会影响问题.


铅262. 理解社会影响和变化. 3单位. 提供概念的基础, 主题, 词汇表, 以及与社会影响和社会变革相关的理论. 给s students opportunities to explore various community 和 professional practices to exp和 awareness of social impact issues 和 the role of power, 特权, 和他们理解中的同一性.

铅221. 促进项目和措施. 3单位. Provides knowledge 和 skills related to group facilitation with focus on facilitating projects 和 initiatives of all types. 重点将放在促进性领导上, 工具, 技术, 流程, 以及帮助团队成功的知识.


铅263. 全球社会变革. 3单位. 探讨与全球化有关的问题, 与文化和社会相关的变化关系, 以及对我们个人的影响. 检查电源, 特权, 激进主义, 电阻, 和 global social justice movements to deepen our underst和ing of social relations at local, 国家, 以及国际层面.

铅220. 创造力和创意. 3单位. 培养学生的创造力和想象力. Students develop 创造力 skills 和 ideation 流程 to create ideas that will be launched later in the program.


铅201. 道德领袖. 3单位. 使学生理解道德, 领导, 以及领导道德以及它们与我们个人和职业生活的关系. 本课程旨在提高人们对这些法律问题的认识, 道德和伦理挑战, create a sensitivity to the implications of 领导 decisions so you can make the most effective decision possible, equip you with 工具 和 strategies for managing your own 和 others' ethical behavior, 并鼓励你批判性地评估他人的决定.

铅210. 行动研究. 3单位. Engages students in cycles of inquiry to gain deeper underst和ing of the issues that impact their organization 和 how that informs their 领导 identity. 通过这些询问周期, students reflect on how actions 和 decisions influence an organization 和 its people. Students use these reflective practices to build self-awareness about their on-going 领导 growth 和 development.


铅200. 在不同背景下的领导. 3单位. 提供领导所需的知识和技能, 激励, 协调不同的个体实现共同的目标. 包括在组织和社区背景下的领导力研究, 强调个人领导能力的发展.

铅265. 领导力和变革的反思实践. 3单位. Engages students in reflective practice to underst和 the impact their identity has on their 领导 skills. Students will develop critical perspectives related to 领导 和 social impact.

夏天 建造于296年. 社会影响的综合顶点. 3单位. 本课程提供了该计划的最终体验, including 领导-related fieldwork project to apply innovation skills through integration of re搜索, 理论, 和实践.



209.946.2683 BenerdLLC@minisb.com



