
学生在 McGeorge School of 法律该校2024届学生投票选出了法学院的年度教授. 该奖项旨在表彰在教学方面表现出色并对学生生活产生积极影响的教师.

奥马尔Dajani won Full-Time JD Faculty of the Year; 艾琳奥尼尔 won Part-Time JD Faculty of the Year; Dr. Marcie Paolinelli won MPA/MPP Faculty of the Year; 和 Kim Delfino, ‘93, won MSL Faculty of the Year.

A portrait of a man wearing a suit


达贾尼被2024届法学博士评为年度教授. He teaches courses on Contracts, Constitutional 法律, International Negotiation, 和 Public International 法律.

Dajani is the co-director of the law school’s Global Center for Business & 发展 并被公认为巴以冲突法律方面的主要专家. 在过去的一年中,他多次前往中东进行研究并推进 A L和 for All, an Israeli-Palestinian peace movement whose board he co-chairs. 本学年,他在包括达特茅斯学院在内的十几所大学发表了关于以色列-巴勒斯坦局势和他对和平的愿景的演讲, 斯坦福大学, the University of Pennsylvania, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 和耶鲁大学.

Dajani began his legal career clerking for Judge Dorothy W. 纳尔逊在美国第九巡回上诉法院. 他在与以色列的和平谈判中担任巴勒斯坦谈判小组的法律顾问, ultimately participating in the summits at Camp David 和 Taba. 随后,他加入了联合国中东和平进程特别协调员办公室(UNSCO)。, 在那里,他致力于和平建设和政府改革倡议,此后他的大部分学术和政策工作都集中在中东地区.

Dajani joined the McGeorge faculty in 2003. He loves teaching, 和 his substantive expertise is complemented by his enthusiasm, respectfulness, 和 compassion.

“能被评为年度最佳教授,我感到无比荣幸和感动, 这是我在麦乔治大学开始学术生涯的二十周年纪念日,” Dajani said.




O’Neal was named the Part-Time JD Professor of the Year. She has taught courses on Capital 法律yering & 政策制定和全球律师技能,自2018年起担任兼职教员. O 'Neal将于8月加入该学院,担任客座法学副教授.

O’Neal serves as the Director of McGeorge School of 法律’s Capital Center for 法律 & 政策 和 Capital 法律yering Concentration. O’Neal has been a coach for McGeorge’s nationally-ranked moot court competition team since 2019. She is also the director of the Pacific Legal Advantage Program at the University of the Pacific, 它提供了一种沉浸式的法律预科教育体验,旨在让学生接触法律领域,并为他们进入严格的法学院做好准备.

“与学生一起培养他们的分析和辩护技能,并有机会成为他们在麦乔治大学期间经历的大量专业和个人成长的一部分,这是我工作中最好的部分. 获得这个奖项对我来说意义非凡,我真的很荣幸,”奥尼尔说.

Prior to attending law school, 奥尼尔是加州参议院成员,也是参议院临时主席比尔·洛克耶办公室的立法顾问. O’Neal clerked for federal district Judge Jon P. 麦卡拉从法学院毕业后来到田纳西州西区. Before joining the faculty, 奥尼尔是一家全国性律师事务所和一家专注于复杂联邦案件的精品律师事务所的民事诉讼律师. 

O’Neal has a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles 和 a JD degree from 斯坦福大学法学 School, where she was editor-in-chief of the 斯坦福大学法学 & 政策 Review. 她目前担任美国法学院州协会主席 & Local Government Section.

A portrait of a woman outdoors

Dr. Marcie Paolinelli

Paolinelli was awarded Professor of the Year by graduating Public Administration 和 Public 政策 学生. She won the award in 2022 和 2023 as well. 

“能够获得MPP/MPA年度教授奖,我深感荣幸和谦卑,” Paolinelli said. “这种认可反映了我的优秀学生的努力和奉献精神, whose passion for public administration inspires me every day. In the upcoming year, 我期待着继续我们的学习和发现之旅, 努力为我们的每一位学生提供知识和技能,以影响我们社区的积极变化. Thank you for this remarkable honor.”

保利内利于2023年重新加入麦克乔治法学院,担任公共管理和公共政策项目的全职教授. She previously taught at McGeorge from 2015-2022.

Paolinelli为公共部门组织提供管理咨询服务已有30多年, having led projects for a wide variety of government programs, including environmental protection, 健康, social services, transportation, 和 emergency management. 她曾担任南加州大学加州领导力研究所的联合主任, 这是一个针对加州高层管理人员的行政领导和管理培训项目.

As a member of the American Society of Public Administration, Paolinelli has served as President of the Sacramento Chapter, 政府间行政和管理科全国理事会成员, 和 National Council Member representing California. 她被美国公共行政学会萨克拉门托分会授予 Ross Clayton Distinguished Public Service Award 毕生在公共行政领域做出的卓越贡献.

波利内利拥有加州大学戴维斯分校的学士学位. 她还获得了南加州大学公共管理硕士学位和公共管理博士学位.

A portrait of a woman outdoors

Kim Delfino, ‘93

Delfino was awarded Professor of the Year by graduating Master of Science in 法律 (MSL) 学生. 她是一名兼职教授,在该校的MSL项目任教. 自2020年以来,她一直在麦克乔治法学院教授环境法课程.

Delfino is also the president 和 founder of Earther Advocacy. Delfino为非营利组织和基金会提供政策和宣传专业知识,目标是保护和恢复我们的土地, 水, 和 wildlife for future generations. Delfino在公共和私人土地使用规划和政策方面拥有近30年的经验, species conservation, 和 水 policy, including serving on the California Commission from 2010-2015.

Delfino serves on the boards of the Water Education Foundation; Sustainable Conservation; 和 the American Bar Association’s Section of Environment, 能源, 和 Resources Trends.

德尔菲诺拥有加州大学的学士学位, 他拥有博彩平台网址大全麦乔治法学院的法学博士学位.

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